Friday, May 28, 2010

IEP's .... How do you get one and where do you start?

Often times parents believe that if their child needs help the school system will bring it to their attention or guide them on what to do for their child. Sadly, this is not the case in most school systems. As parents we have to be advocates for our child with special needs. So the school year is ending so why am I blogging about this now? As you may or may not know, the public school systems tend to move slower than molasses on a cold winters day when it comes to getting the IEP process rolling! If you child needs to be evaluated for an IEP you had better get the ball rolling with your letting writing campaign as soon as the administrators return to school in late August. Get all your ducks line up; including visiting the pediatrician and getting his/her recommendations for a FULL evaluation  (in writing) BEFORE school is in session!

Recently, Heather Forbes, LCSW ( Beyond Consequences ) interviewed Claudia Roberts, Esquire and child advocate about the inner workings of and IEP (Individual Educational Plan). I recommend listing to this audio file and checking out the Wrights Law website mentioned below. To be an advocate for your child EDUCATING yourself on the process will be time well spent and allow you to be a better advocate for your child. Listening if FREE and the advice is PRICELESS!

Here is the sign-up link:
Interview with Claudia Roberts - Child Advocate / IEP

Also be sure to check out:
Wrights Law

If you are not already familiar with Heather Forbes, I recommend you check out her book:

Dare to Love: The Art of Merging Science and Love Into Parenting Children with Difficult Behaviors